Dr SHI Lei

Associate Professor at Newcastle University

Director of  Haii Lab

Find Out More


Dr Lei Shi

Hello, I'm Lei. I am the Director of Haii Lab, Associate Professor in the Open Lab, Deputy Degree Programme Director of MSc Digital Technology Solutions Degree Apprenticeship (Software Engineering Specialist) and Postgraduate Research Admissions Tutor at School of Computing at Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. My academic journey has been enriched by my experiences at esteemed institutions including Durham, Liverpool, and Warwick universities, before my tenure at Newcastle.

At the heart of my research lies the quest to revolutionise human-AI interactions. By weaving together the principles of human-computer interaction (HCI) with cutting-edge AI technologies, I explore novel pathways for humans and AI to engage in synergistic collaboration and co-creation. My commitment extends to ensuring that these interactions are grounded in ethical, legal, and societal principles.

My fascination with the empirical exploration of AI-powered interactive systems drives my research. I am dedicated to pioneering technologies that bolster creativity, productivity, adaptability, participation, diversity, inclusion, and heterogeneity. These core values are the bedrock of developing AI systems that are not just efficient but also ethically sound and socially beneficial.

My research canvas spans a diverse array of applied fields, including education, design, publicity, cybersecurity, healthcare, and well-being. I am fervently exploring the potential of AI to enhance these sectors, always with a keen awareness of the ethical and societal ramifications. Through the fusion of HCI and AI, my goal is to contribute significantly to the creation of intelligent systems that are both high-performing and conscientious.

I am currently a Co-I on the EPSRC AGENCY project "Assuring Citizen Agency in a World with Complex Online Harms" (EP/W032481/1), which aims to establish interdisciplinary scientific methods, technology, and collaborative societal approaches to provide online agency to people in a world with complex online harms.


Open Lab, Floor 1
Urban Sciences Building
Newcastle Helix
Newcastle upon Tyne
E: lei.shi at newcastle dot ac dot uk
P: +44 (0) 191 20 84630

To prospective full-time PhD students:

At Newcastle University’s School of Computing, we are always on the lookout for brilliant minds to join our research team. We offer year-round opportunities for ambitious individuals to pursue a PhD under the guidance of a world-class academic team, including myself as your mentor.

Eligibility Criteria: To join the team, we expect candidates to possess (or be nearing the completion of) an undergraduate (BSc) or postgraduate (MSc) degree in any of the following fields: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Applied Statistics, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Sciences, Experimental Psychology, Learning Science/Engineering, Applied Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Instructional Design, Industrial Design, Innovation Sciences, or a closely related field.

Your PhD Journey: As a PhD student, you’ll thrive under the tutelage of a diverse and experienced academic team, with me as your primary supervisor. You’ll also join the vibrant community within the Haii Lab and the Open Lab, engaging with a cohort of fellow scholars passionate about computing and innovation.

Application Process: Please reach out via email to initiate a dialogue on potential research themes and any queries you may have. In your email, please attach:

  • A clearly articulated research proposal that outlines your envisioned study.
  • A detailed CV and a persuasive cover letter that highlight your academic journey and your fit for the PhD program.
  • Two robust letters of recommendation that attest to your scholarly potential.
  • Academic transcripts and certificates from your BSc and MSc studies.
  • Proof of English proficiency (e.g., IELTS score), if applicable.

Explore project ideas and find inspiration on the Projects page.

Have a look at who my current PhD students are.


CSC8611: Human-Artificial Intelligence (AI) Interaction & Futures
Newcastle University. Since 2023
COMP3647: Human-AI Interaction Design
Durham University. 2019 - 2022
COMP2261: Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning
Durham University. 2019 - 2022
BUSI4R015: Retail Science
Durham University. 2019 - 2021
COMP281: Principles of C and Memory Management
University of Liverpool. 2017 - 2019
IB137: Programming Solutions
University of Warwick. 2015 - 2017

Awards & Grants


FAMOUS: Fake Activity Market Observation System of Unethical Services
€400k, funded by European Media and Information Fund. 08.2024
Deciphering End User Licensing Agreements: Leveraging Tech to Enhance Users Privacy and Security Awareness
£2k, funded by BILETA Research Awards Grant. 02.2024
Connecting Smart Sensors and Social Care Software: an Academic-industry Partnership (2023-2024)
£10k, funded by HEIF, SAgE, Newcastle. 11.2023
AGENCY: Assuring Citizen Agency in a World with Complex Online Harms (2022-2025)
£3.44M fEC, funded by EPSRC. 04.2022
Towards High-Level Immersion using Visual Attention Modelling
£2.5k, funded by IDAS, Durham University. 05.2021
Translational Research Access Programme (2019-2020)
~£100k, funded by HLS, University of Liverpool. 06.2019
EPSRC 2019 Vacation Bursary Programme
£300, funded by EPSRC. 03.2019
CONFAP – THE UK ACADEMIES Research Mobility Grant
~£3.5k, jointly funded by The Royal Society UK and CONFAP Brazil. 06.2018
Researcher Link - Travel and Workshop Grant
~£2k, funded by Newton Fund Researcher Links. 03.2018
PROGRAD/UTFPR – Innovative Methodologies for PG Edu
~£3.5k, funded by UTFPR Brazil. 02.2018
IAS Early Career Fellowship 2014-2015
~£27k, funded by IAS University of Warwick. 09.2014
Chancellor’s International Scholarship 2011-2014
~£105k, funded by Warwick Graduate School. 09.2011
CSC Scholarship, oversee study (36 months) (withdrawn)
~£97.8k, jointly unded by CSC and Warwick Graduate School. 09.2011


Best Paper
IEEE ICALT, Maceió, Brazil. 07.2019
Best Student Paper
ICWL, Tallinn, Estonia. 08.2014
Best Demo
ACM UMAP, Aalborg, Denmark. 07.2014
Best Extended Abstract
YDS, York, UK. 10.2013
Best Poster
IEEE ICALT, Beijing, China. 07.2013
Excellent Graduate Award
Zhejiang Province, China’s government, China. 03.2011
Excellent Graduate Award
Zhejiang University, China. 03.2011
Outstanding Postgraduate Leader Award x 2
Zhejiang University, China. 09.2009, 09.2010
Outstanding Postgraduate Student Award x 2
Zhejiang University, China. 09.2009, 09.2010
Gold Price, Software Design Award
Infoteria Inc., Tokyo, Japan. 06.2009

Professional Activities

Professional Body
Review Editor
  • MDPI Sensors Special Issue Guest Editor
  • Editorial Board of AI for Human Learning and Behavior Change, part of the journal Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.
Organising Committee
  • Communication Chair, 19th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL) 2024
  • Workshops and Tutorials Co-Chair, 24th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2023
  • Web Chair, 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2022
  • Web Chair, 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2022
  • Proceedings Chair, 12th International Conference on Internet of Things (IoT) 2022
Programme Committee
  • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), since 2013.
  • International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), since 2018.
  • International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL), since 2019.
  • W15: Imagining Post-COVID Education with AI, AAAI-21, 2021.
  • International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), 2019.
  • Higher Education for All: International Workshop on Social, Semantic, Adaptive and Gamification techniques and technologies for Distance Learning (HEFA), 2017.
  • Imperial College Computing Student Workshop (ICCSW), 2012-2014.
Technical Committee
  • International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC), 2018, 2019.
Grant Reviewer
  • EPSRC, since 2023
  • Royal Society, since 2023
  • Estonian Research Council, 2018-2019
  • Czech Health Research Council, 2015-2018
Journal Article Reviewer
  • Journal of Engineering Design
  • IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
  • Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
  • International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education
  • Behaviour and Information Technology
  • IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT)
  • Computers and Education
  • Interactive Learning Environments
  • Educational Research Review
  • Computing and Informatics
  • World Wide Web Journal
  • IEEE Multimedia
  • Multimodal Technologies and Interaction
  • Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence – AI for Human Learning and Behavior Change
Book Chapter Reviewer
  • "The Evolution of the Internet in the Business Sector: Web 1.0 to Web 3.0", IGI Global
Conferences Paper Reviewer
  • AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
  • International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)
  • Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
  • Designing Interactive Systems (DIS)
  • IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)
  • Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI)
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED)
  • International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK)
  • Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS)
  • Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
  • Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE)
  • User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP)
  • Educational Data Mining (EDM)
  • International Conference on Web-based Learning (ICWL)
  • International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations
  • Education Technology And Computers (ICETC)
  • International GamiFIN Conference (GamiFIN)

Invited Talks

Panel Discussion
Research & Innovation Showcase: Data Science & AI, Newcastle University, UK2024
Predictive Mechanisms for Complex Online Harms
AGENCY stakeholder meeting, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK2024
Tackling Cognitive Effects for Digital Wellbeing
Open Lab talk, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK2024
Human-AI Interaction Design and Stories Behind
Ashton Sixth Form Taster Day, Durham University, Durham, UK2023
Human-AI Interaction Design
Virtual Breakfast Talk series for Year Eight students, Rumble Museum, Cheney School, Oxford, UK. 2022
Human-Centred Decision Making through Visualisations in teaching and learning
Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA2022
Learning Analytics and Well-informed Interventions
Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA2022
Innovative Computing and Educational Technologies
Institute for Data Science, Durham University, Durham, UK2019
Machine Learning and Educational Technologies
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China2019
Learning Analytics and Predicting Behaviour
Wuhan University, Wuhan, China2019
Behavioural Anlytics in Massive Open Online Courses
Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China2019
Learning Analytics using Machine Learning and Statistical Modelling
University of São Paulo, São Carlos, Brazil2018
Big Data and Learning Analytics
SSST, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina05.2018
Immersion in eLearning
Northeastern University, Shenyang, China12.2017
Technology-Enhanced Teaching for Distance-Learning MBA
Researcher Link Workshop. Maceió, Brazil03.2017



Element-conditioned GAN for Graphic Layout Generation
L Chen, Q Jing, Y Zhou, Z Li, L Shi, L Sun
Hand Gesture Recognition for User-defined Textual Inputs and Gestures
J Wang, I Ivrissimtzis, Z Li, L Shi
Universal Access in the Information Society
Investigating the Relationship Between Students' Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Their Behavior within Educational Systems
A Alseitova, W Oliveira, Z Li, L Shi, J Hamari
The 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
The Effects of Autonomy- and Competence-based Gamification on Students’ Flow Experience: A Controlled Experimental Study
A Brambilla, W Oliveira, P Dantas, Z Juho Hamari, Li, L Shi, M Dindar
The 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies
LBKT: A LSTM BERT-based Knowledge Tracing Model for Long-Sequence Data
Z Li, J Yang, J Wang, L Shi, J Feng, S Stein
The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Enhancing User Experience in Chinese Initial Text Conversations with Personalised AI-Powered Assistant
J Wang, I Ivrissimtzis, Z Li, L Shi
CHI '24: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Impact of Personalised AI Chat Assistant on Mediated Human-Human Textual Conversations: Exploring Female-Male Differences
J Wang, I Ivrissimtzis, Z Li, L Shi
The 29th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces
Comparative Efficacy of 2D and 3D Virtual Reality Games in American Sign Language Learning
J Wang, I Ivrissimtzis, Z Li, Y Zhou, L Shi
The 31st IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces
ARElight: Context Sampling of Large Texts for Deep Learning Relation Extraction
N Rusnachenko, H Liang, M Kolomeets, L Shi
The 46th European Conference on Information Retrieval
Automated Generation of ICD-11 Cluster Codes for Precision Medical Record Classification
J Feng, R Zhang, D Chen, L Shi, Z Li
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control


Sim-GAIL: A Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning Approach of Student Modelling for Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Z Li, L Shi, J Wang, AI Cristea, Y Zhou
Neural Computing and Applications
Label-based Topic Modeling to Enhance Medical Triage for Medical Triage Robots
J Feng, R Zhang, D Chen, L Shi, C Xiao
Studies in Informatics and Control
A Visualization Method of Knowledge Graphs for the Computation and Comprehension of Ultrasound Reports
J Feng, R Zhang, D Chen, L Shi
AGENCY—written evidence (LLM0028) House of Lords Communications and Digital Select Committee inquiry: Large language models
S Malviya, R Owens, J Copilah-Ali, K Elliott, B Farrand, C Neesham, L Shi, V Vlachokyriakos, S Katsigiannis, A van Moorsel
Source: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/124223/html/
Exploring the Potential of Immersive Virtual Environments for Learning American Sign Language
J Wang, I Ivrissimtzis, Z Li, Y Zhou, L Shi
The 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
Broader and Deeper: A Multi-Features with Latent Relations BERT Knowledge Tracing Model
Z Li, M Jacobsen, L Shi, Y Zhou, J Wang
The 18th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning
Reimagining AI Governance: a Response by AGENCY to the UK Government's White Paper AI Regulation
R Owens, J Copilah-Ali, M Kolomeets, S Malviya, K Markeviciute, S Olabode, T Spiliotopoulos, H Wu, V Zhang, K Coopamootoo, A Durrant, K Elliott, S Katsigiannis, C Neesham, L Shi, B Farrand
Reimagining AI Governance: a Response by AGENCY to the UK Government's White Paper AI Regulation (August 25, 2023)
User-attention based Product Aesthetics Evaluation with Image and Eye-tracking Fusion Data Analysis
B Xing, X Song, Q Chen, L Shi, Y Pan, K Wang, M Tang
15th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC 2023)
Leveraging Machine Learning and Russian Social Media Data to Expose Censorship and Public Opinion Bias in the Russian-Ukrainian War
M Kolomeets, L Shi
The 9th International workshop on Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks (MAISoN 2023) co-located with The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2023)
Developing and Evaluating a Novel Gamified Virtual Learning Environment for ASL
J Wang, I Ioannis, L Zhaoxing, Y Zhou, L Shi
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2023: 19th IFIP TC 13 International Conference
Design Paradigms of 3D User Interfaces for VR Exhibitions
Y Zhou, Z He, L Shi, L Zhaoxing, J Wang
Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2011 19th IFIP TC 13 International Conference
Language as a Latent Sequence: Deep Latent Variable Models for Semi-supervised Paraphrase Generation
J Yu, AI Cristea, A Harit, Z Sun, OT Aduragba, L Shi, NA Moubayed
AI Open 4, 19-32
Towards Student Behaviour Simulation: A Decision Transformer based Approach
Z Li, L Shi, Y Zhou, J Wang
Augmented Intelligence and Intelligent Tutoring Systems 13891, 553-562
User-Defined Hand Gesture Interface to Improve User Experience of Learning American Sign Language
J Wang, I Ioannis, L Zhaoxing, Y Zhou, L Shi
Augmented Intelligence and Intelligent Tutoring Systems 13891, 479-490
Emocolor: An Assistant Design Method for Emotional Color Matching based on Semantics and Images
L Zhang, M Li, Y Wang, B Xing, X Liu, Z Tang, L Shi
Color Research and Application 48 (3), 312-327
Probabilistic Decision Trees for Predicting 12-Month University Students Likely to Experience Suicidal Ideation
E Drousiotis, DW Joyce, RC Dempsey, A Haines, PG Spirakis, L Shi, S Maskell
The 19th Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations (AIAI) Conference
PICA-PICA: Exploring a Customisable Smart STEAM Educational Approach via a Smooth Combination of Programming, Engineering and Art
T Nagai, S Klem, M Kayama, T Asuke, M Meccawy, J Wang, AI Cristea, C Stewart, L Shi
The IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference
Complex Online Harms and the Smart Home: A Scoping Review
S Olabode, R Owens, VN Zhang, J Copilah-Ali, M Kolomeets, H Wu, S Malviya, K Markeviciute, T Spiliotopoulos, C Neesham, L Shi, D Chambers
Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier.


Is Unimodal Bias Always Bad for Visual Question Answering? A Medical Domain Study with Dynamic Attention
Z Sun, A Harit, AI Cristea, J Yu, NA Moubayed, L Shi
IEEE Big Data
Contrastive Learning with Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks on Short Text Classification
Z Sun, A Harit, AI Cristea, J Yu, OT Aduragba, L Shi, NA Moubayed
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
INTERACTION: A Generative XAI Framework for Natural Language Inference Explanations
J Yu, AI Cristea, A Harit, Z Sun, OT Aduragba, L Shi, NA Moubayed
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Efficient Uncertainty Quantification for Multilabel Text Classification
J Yu, AI Cristea, A Harit, Z Sun, OT Aduragba, L Shi, NA Moubayed
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Novel Decision Forest Building Techniques by Utilising Correlation Coefficient Methods
E Drousiotis, L Shi, P Spirakis, S Maskell
Engineering Applications of Neural Networks 1600, 90-102
Tailored Gamification in Education: A Literature Review and Future Agenda
W Oliveira, J Hamari, L Shi, AM Toda, L Rodrigues, PT Palomino, S Isotani
Education and Information Technologies
Fine-grained Main Ideas Extraction and Clustering of Online Course Reviews
C Xiao, L Shi, A Cristea, Z Li, Z Pan
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
SimStu-Transformer: A Transformer-based Approach to Simulating Student Behaviour
Z Li, L Shi, A Cristea, Y Zhou, C Xiao, Z Pan
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
Balancing Fined-tuned Machine Learning Models between Continuous and Discrete Variables-A Comprehensive Analysis using Educational Data
E Drousiotis, P Pentaliotis, L Shi, A Cristea
The 23rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education
AI‐driven user aesthetics preference prediction for UI layouts via deep convolutional neural networks
B Xing, H Cao, L Shi, H Si, L Zhao
Cognitive Computation and Systems 4 (3), 350-264


Detecting Fine-Grained Emotions on Social Media during Major Disease Outbreaks: Health and Well-being before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic
OT Aduragba, J Yu, A Cristea, L Shi
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings
Computational Model for Predicting User Aesthetic Preference for GUI using DCNNs
B Xing, H Si, J Chen, M Ye, L Shi
CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction. Springer.
A Survey of Collaborative Reinforcement Learning: Interactive Methods and Design Patterns
Z Li, L Shi, AI Cristea, Y Zhou
Designing Interactive Systems (DIS). ACM.
Agent-based Simulation of the Classroom Environment to Gauge the Effect of Disruptive Schoolchildren’s Behaviour over Neighbours
K Alharbi, AI Cristea, L Shi, P Tymms, C Brown
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED). Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI).
Capturing Fairness and Uncertainty in Student Dropout Prediction Comparison Study
E Drousiotis, P Pentaliotis, L Shi, AI Cristea
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED). Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI).
Wide-scale Automatic Analysis of 20 Years of ITS Research
R Hodgson, AI Cristea, L Shi, J Graham
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Springer, Cham.
A Brief Survey of Deep Learning Approaches for Learning Analytics on MOOCs
Z Sun, A Harit, J Yu, AI Cristea, L Shi
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Springer, Cham.
Early Predictor for Student Success Based on Behavioural and Demographical Indicators
E Drousiotis, L Shi, S Maskell
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Springer, Cham.
Agent-based Simulation of the Classroom Environment to Gauge the Effect of Inattentive or Disruptive Students
K Alharbi, AI Cristea, L Shi, P Tymms, C Brown
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Springer, Cham.
Exploring Bayesian Deep Learning for Urgent Instructor Intervention Need in MOOC Forums
J Yu, L Alrajhi, A Harit, Z Sun, AI Cristea, L Shi
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Springer, Cham.


Temporal Analysis in Massive Open Online Courses – Towards Identifying at-Risk Students Through Analyzing Demographical Changes
L Shi, B Yang, AM Toda
Advances in Information Systems Development. Springer.
Exploring Navigation Styles in a FutureLearn MOOC
L Shi, AI Cristea, A Toda, W Oliveira
15th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE). IEEE.
Is MOOC Learning Different from Dropout Learners? A Visually-driven, Multi-granularity Approach
A Alamri, Z Sun, AI Cristea, G Senthilnathan, C Stewart, L Shi
The 16th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Springer.
Social Interactions Clustering MOOC Students: An Exploratory Study
L Shi, AI Cristea, A Toda, W Oliveira, A Alamri, M Alshehri
The 20th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE.
Temporal Sentiment Analysis of Learners: Public Versus Private Social Media Communication Channels in a Women-in-Tech Conversion Course
J Yu, OT Aduragba, Z Sun, S Black, C Stewart, L Shi, AI Cristea
The 15th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE). IEEE.
Does Tailoring Gamified Educational Systems Matter? The Impact on Students' Flow Experience
W Oliveira, A Toda, P Toledo, L Shi, J Vassileva, II Bittencourt, S Isotani
The 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). AIS, IEEE.
Towards Automatic Flow Experience Identification in Educational Systems: A Qualitative Study
W Oliveira, A Toda, P Toledo, L Rodrigues, L Shi, S Isotani
The Brazilian Symposium on Informatics in Education (SBIE). SBC.


Revealing the Hidden Patterns: A Comparative Study on Profiling Subpopulations of MOOC Students
L Shi, AI Cristea, AM Toda, W Oliveira
The 28th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD). LNISO. Springer, Cham.
Analysing Gamification Elements in Educational Environments using an Existing Gamification Taxonomy
AM Toda, ACT Klock, W Oliveira, PT Palomino, L Rodrigues, L Shi, II Bittencourt, I Gasparini, S Isotani, AI Cristea
Smart Learning Environments. Springer.
Demographical Changes of Student Subgroups in MOOCs: Towards Predicting At-Risk Students
B Yang, L Shi, AM Toda
The 28th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD). LNISO. Springer, Cham.
Planning Gamification Strategies based on User Characteristics and DM: A Gender-based Case Study
AM Toda, W Oliveira, L Shi, II Bittencourt, S Isotani, AI Cristea
International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM).
Predicting MOOCs Dropout Using only two Features of First Week Activities
A Alamri, M Alshehri, AI Cristea, FD Pereira, E Oliveira, L Shi, C Stewart
International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Springer, Cham.
Social Engagement versus Learning Engagement - An Exploratory Study on FutureLearn Learners
L Shi, AI Cristea, AM Toda, W Oliveira
The 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE). IEEE.
Towards Automatic Flow Experience Identification in Educational Systems: A Theory-driven Approach
W Oliveira, AM Toda, P Palomino, L Rodrigues, S Isotani, L Shi
The Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY). ACM SIGCHI.
A Taxonomy of Game Elements for Gamification in Educational Contexts: Proposal and Evaluation
AM Toda, W Oliveira, A Klock, P Palomino, M Pimenta, I Gasparini, L Shi, I Bittencourt, S Isotani, AI Cristea
The 19th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE.
Validating the Effectiveness of Data-Driven Gamification Recommendations: An Exploratory Study
AM Toda, P. Palomino, L Rodrigues, W Oliveira, L Shi, S Isotani, AI Cristea
The Brazilian Symposium on Informatics in Education (SBIE). SBC.


In-depth Exploration of Engagement Patterns in MOOCs
L Shi, AI Cristea
Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE). LNCS. Springer, Cham.
Demographic Indicators Influencing Learning Activities in MOOCs: Learning Analytics of FutureLearn Courses
L Shi, AI Cristea
Complexity in Information Systems Development (ISD). LNISO.
Earliest Predictor of Dropout in MOOCs: A Longitudinal Study of FutureLearn Courses
AI Cristea, A Alamri, M Kayama, C Stewart, M Alshehri, L Shi
Complexity in Information Systems Development (ISD). LNISO.
How is Learning Fluctuating? FutureLearn MOOCs Fine-grained Temporal Analysis and Feedback to Teachers and Designers
AI Cristea, M Alshehri, A Alamri, M Kayama, C Stewart, L Shi
Complexity in Information Systems Development (ISD). LNISO.
Can Learner Characteristics Predict their Behaviour on MOOCs?
AI Cristea, A Alamri, M Alshehri, M Kayama, J Foss, L Shi, C Stewart
The 10th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC). ACM.
On the Need for Fine-grained Analysis of Gender versus Commenting Behaviour in MOOCs
M Alshehri, J Foss, AI Cristea, M Kayama, L Shi, A Alamri, A Tsakalidis
The 3rd International Conference on Information and Education Innovations (ICIEI). ACM.
An Intuitive Authoring System for a Personalised, Social, Gamified, Visualisation-supporting e-learning System
A Alamri, H Rusby, AI Cristea, J Khan, L Shi, C Stewart
The 3rd International Conference on Information and Education Innovations (ICIEI). ACM.


Connecting Targets to Tweets: Semantic Attention-Based Model for Target-Specific Stance Detection
Y Zhou, AI Cristea, L Shi
Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE). LNCS, vol 10569. Springer, Cham.


Motivational Gamification Strategies Rooted in Self-Determination Theory for Social Adaptive E-Learning
L Shi, AI Cristea
Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). LNCS, vol 9684. Springer, Cham.
Designing a Collaborative Group Project Recommender for an e-Learning System
A Alamri, L Shi, AI Cristea
SAI Computing Conference (SAI). IEEE.
Learners Thrive Using Multifaceted Open Social Learner Modeling
L Shi, AI Cristea
IEEE MultiMedia, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 36-47, Jan.-Mar. 2016. IEEE.


Digital Co-design Applied to Healthcare Environments: A Comparative Study
L Shi, J MacKrill, E Dimitrokali, C Dawson, R Cain
Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT). LNCS, vol 9299. Springer, Cham.
Digital Crowdsourcing in Healthcare Environment Co-design
L Shi, J MacKrill, E Dimitrokali, R Cain
The 24th International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD). LNISO.
Digital Co-Design: A Future Method?
L Shi, c Dawson, j Mackrill, e Dimitrokali, r Cain
The 2015 British Human Computer Interaction Conference (British-HCI). ACM.
Designing an Adaptive Online Advertisement System: A Focus Group Methodology
D Al-Qudah, L Shi, AI Cristea, J Alqatawna
The 10th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE). IEEE.
Students as Customers: Participatory Design for Adaptive Web 3.0
L Shi, AI Cristea, C Stewart, D Al-Qudah
Book Chapter: The Evolution of the Internet in the Business Sector: Web 1.0 to Web 3.0, 2015.


The Critical Role of Profiles in Social E-Learning Design
L Shi, AI Cristea, S Hadzidedic
The 15th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE). ACM.
Designing Visualisation and Interaction for Social E-Learning: A Case Study in Topolor 2
L Shi, AI Cristea
Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities (EC-TEL). LNCS. Vol: 8719. Springer Cham.
Contextual Gamification of Social Interaction - Towards Increasing Motivation in Social E-Learning
L Shi, AI Cristea, S Hadzidedic, N Dervishalidovic
Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2014 (ICWL). LNCS, vol 8613. Springer, Cham.
Multifaceted Open Social Learner Modelling
L Shi, AI Cristea, S Hadzidedic
Advances in Web-Based Learning – ICWL 2014 (ICWL). LNCS, vol 8613. Springer, Cham
Making It Game-Like: Topolor 2 and Gamified Social E-Learning
L Shi, AI Cristea
The 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


Evaluating System Functionality in Social Personalized Adaptive E-Learning Systems
L Shi, MSK Awan, AI Cristea
Scaling up Learning for Sustained Impact (EC-TEL). LNCS, vol 8095. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg.
Towards Understanding Learning Behavior Patterns in Social Adaptive Personalized E-Learning Systems
L Shi, AI Cristea, MSK Awan, C Stewart, M Hendrix
The 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). AIS.
Designing Social Personalized Adaptive E-Learning
L Shi, D Al-Qudah, AI Cristea
The 18th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE). ACM.
Social Personalized Adaptive E-Learning Environment: Topolor - Implementation and Evaluation
L Shi, G Gkotsis, K Stepanyan, D Al-Qudah, AI Cristea
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED). LNAI, vol 7926. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Evaluation of Social Interaction Features in Topolor - A Social Personalized Adaptive E-Learning System
L Shi, K Stepanyan, D Al-Qudah, AI Cristea
The 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT). IEEE.
Topolor: A Social Personalized Adaptive E-Learning System
L Shi, D Al-Qudah, A Qaffas, AI Cristea
User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP). LNCS, vol 7899. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Is Adaptation of E-Advertising the Way Forward?
A Qaffas, AI Cristea, L Shi
IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e). IEEE.

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